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Le E-commerce Français et à la Française, Expédition Europe, OFFERT pour la France
Les ODD : Objectifs de Développement Durable - Bien-stocker

The SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals

Creation of the SDGs

In 2015, the United Nations established a list of 17 sustainable development goals to be implemented by 2030. The ambition of its goals for the well-being of humanity includes a set of actions concerning the environment, society and the economy while respecting people and the planet. The list of 17 SDGs is as follows:

SDG No. 1 : no poverty
The eradication of poverty: eradicating extreme poverty and hunger in the world.
SDG No. 2 : zero hunger
The fight against hunger: allow everyone to eat within a framework of food security and improved nutrition by promoting sustainable agriculture.
SDG No. 3 : good health and well-being
The health and well-being of populations and workers: living in good health and access to healthcare.
SDG No. 4 : quality education
Access to quality education: education for all without discrimination and continuing education throughout life.
SDG No. 5 : gender equality
Gender equality: empowering all women and girls.
SDG No. 6 : clean water and sanitation
Access to clean water and sanitation: drinking water for all with sustainable resource management.
SDG No. 7 : clean and affordable energy
Access to clean, affordable energy.
SDG No. 8 : decent work and economic growth
Decent work and economic growth: full employment in good conditions.
SDG N°9 : industry, innovation and infrastructure
Promoting innovation and sustainable infrastructure: encouraging innovation and sustainable industry.
SDG No. 10 : reduced inequalities
Reducing inequalities: between countries and within states.
SDG No. 11 : sustainable cities and communities
The creation of sustainable cities and communities: inclusive and safe cities.
SDG No. 12 : responsible consumption and production
Changing systemic treatment practices, with sustainable and adapted approaches.
SDG No. 13 : measures relating to the fight against climate change
The fight against climate change: Take urgent measures to fight against global warming and limit greenhouse gases.
SDG No. 14 : aquatic life
The protection of aquatic fauna and flora: conserving and using the seas and oceans in a sustainable manner.
SDG No. 15 : terrestrial life
Protection of terrestrial fauna and flora: protect ecosystems, forests, soils, fauna and flora.
SDG No. 16 : peace, justice and strong institutions
Peace, justice and effective institutions: For a peaceful and just world.
SDG No. 17 : partnerships for the achievement of the objectives
Strengthening partnerships for the global goals.

The Sustainable Development Goals in a CSR policy

Bien Stocker takes these objectives into account in its selection of suppliers and products. Naturally not all of them relate to the industry but to our choice to work with locally manufactured products in order to avoid large displacements that are sources of pollution. Just as the ecological impact of a product cannot be reduced to its 'working life', its design and its recycling are decisive elements to be analyzed carefully. Another important aspect is the durability and repairability index of a product.

The lifespan of the product has a large and unsuspected number of consequences on the environment. A durable product is a quality product that will be more pleasant and easier to use on a daily basis due to its robust and efficient design. Its possible repair on site could be done by the user with spare parts sent by the manufacturer and thus avoids travel. The non-replacement of a defective product limits the consumption of raw materials, energy for its extraction and processing and limits transport. It is a virtuous circle of which the consumer must be aware when making his purchases. The overall cost of a sustainable product represents a real, easily quantifiable saving. Our role as a marketer is also to educate the consumer by being the most explicit and transparent about the origin and manufacture of the products offered.

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